The Coates Library aims to provide access to its resources, services, and spaces for all students, faculty and staff.
For general academic accommodations and services, visit Student Accessibility Services in the library, or call 210-999-8528.
The Coates Library aims to provide access to its resources, services, and spaces for all students, faculty and staff.
For general academic accommodations and services, visit Student Accessibility Services in the library, or call 210-999-8528.
Page service: Coates Library’s bookstacks are not ADA compliant, which is something we plan to address in a future renovation of the building. In the meantime, our staff are more than happy to retrieve books for you. You can request that books be pulled and held for you at the front desk using that feature in the library catalog. Alternatively, you can ask a Circulation employee to retrieve any resources you need.
Handicap parking is available on each level of Laurie Auditorium next to the elevator. There are also handicap parking spaces behind Chapman, CSI, and Parker Chapel. Due to construction, the lot directly behind the library is currently closed. For more information, please refer to Trinity’s main website search tool and select “campus maps”.
In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, Registered Service Animals (dogs), a category defined by federal law, are permitted in the library. Pets or emotional support animals are not allowed in the library.
Please direct any questions to Jason Hardin, Manager of Access Services.