Chicago (Notes-Bibliography Style)
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- Chicago (Notes-Bibliography Style)
Citation Sources
- MLA Style, 9th ed.
- APA Style, 7th ed.
- Chicago (Notes-Bibliography Style), 17th ed.
- Chicago (Author-Date Style), 17th ed.
- See also the online version of the Chicago Manual of Style
- Turabian (Notes-Bibliography Style), 9th ed.
- Turabian (Author-Date Style), 9th ed.
- ASA Style, 6th ed.
Citing Sources in the Text of a Paper
Including a list of Works Cited at the end of an essay is not enough. Learn how to cite the use of a source in the text of your paper.
Using Information from Sources in the Text of a Paper
Review five different methods for including the words of another writer or information from a research resource into the text of your paper.
Citing Creative Commons Materials
Find models and suggestions for citing Creative Commons images, video clips, music, or other materials.
Suggested Readings on Academic Integrity
Find books, articles and websites which deal with academic integrity issues.
Creating an Annotated Bibliography
Learn how to create an annotated bibliography for a class assignment or for your own use as a researcher and writer.
Learn more about Zotero – a citation management tool to help you keep track of and organize various references for papers and projects.
Avoiding Plagiarism
See Trinity University’s definitions of plagiarism and consider how to avoid these situations.
Detecting Plagiarized Material
Information and links for faculty members and others to use in detecting plagiarized materials.