
Author: Jason Hardin

Working in Coates Library

We full-time staffers here at the library believe it’s a great place to work. We enjoy being around books and having access to the world’s knowledge, and it’s immensely gratifying…

Language Learning
Language Learning!

Are you one of the millions of people who fall in love with language learning each year? What resources do you use? If you’re enrolled in a language class, no…

public domain day
Public Domain Day 2023

OK, why did I post a big still image from Fritz Lang’s 1927 film masterpiece Metropolis at the top of this article marking Public Domain Day 2023? Well, because now I CAN,…

East Asian Collection At Coates Library
East Asian Collection

“The most precious treasure is never fully known.” -Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli (1127 – 1206), “Bubbles On the Water” I certainly think this could be said about library collections….

Library Heroes
Library Heroes

Librarians.  Stereotypically quiet and introverted, bespectacled and mousy, they perform an admirable and important job, but let’s be honest, they’re pretty boring, right?  Well, like people in any profession, they…

Legends of the Library
Legends of the Library: Restless, Roaming, Rattling, and Reading

Author’s note:  The library has suffered very, very few unexplained power outages during my 17 years of employment here.  No lie, one of these occurred when I started writing the…

Gnome blog
The Official Authorized Biography of the Library Gnome

It was 2003.  Oh, what a night.  Specifically, in late December back in twenty-oh-three.  No wait–that’s an old song lyric, isn’t it?  Let me start over. I worked the circulation…