
Coates Library Blog

Legends of the Library
Legends of the Library: Restless, Roaming, Rattling, and Reading

Author’s note:  The library has suffered very, very few unexplained power outages during my 17 years of employment here.  No lie, one of these occurred when I started writing the…

The Shushing of the Carts
The Shushing of the Carts

The library: A sanctuary of serene concentration, a respite from the chaos of campus life, a fortress of focus and freedom of thought.  Here is where students come to conquer…

Reading Tugether and Starting Strong
Reading TUgether and Starting Strong
What Our First Year Students Can Teach Us Not very many people know that Trinity’s Class of 2023 completed their first college research assignment before they even stepped foot on...
Welcome Back - Library Updates
Welcome Back – Library Updates

Welcome back! After a quiet summer in the library, our staff is excited to see all the energy emanating from our students and faculty as they prepare for the new…

6 Moments of Research “Failure” and How to Deal With Them

For all the summer researchers taking on bigger projects than they have experienced in their classes so far, for all the incoming first-years who will soon receive more rigorous research assignments than they have previously encountered, I hope this brief catalog of common research “failures” might, if nothing else, do away with some of the unnecessary secrecy.

By the numbers
By the Numbers – Year in Review

To round out the academic year, we’ve pulled together some of our most interesting statistics. See what’s happened in the library by the numbers.

Interview with Librarian Anne Graf

In our new blog segment “Interview with a Librarian” we sat down with  Anne Graf to get to know a little more about her. Anne Graf is the the First Year…

Gnome blog
The Official Authorized Biography of the Library Gnome

It was 2003.  Oh, what a night.  Specifically, in late December back in twenty-oh-three.  No wait–that’s an old song lyric, isn’t it?  Let me start over. I worked the circulation…

Favorite Study Spots
Favorite Library Study Spots
Whether you want to be alone and study in a quiet space, or you want to collaborate with friends in a group, the Coates Library has you covered. We're so...
Searching the Trinitonian and Mirage Online
Searching the Trinitonian and Mirage Online

**UPDATE: As of November 1, 2021, Trinity has moved the digital copies of the Trinitonian, Mirage and Course of Study Bulletins to a new system called Preservica. These campus publications…