
Coates Library Blog

Announcing The 2020 The Research Thing Prize Recipients
Announcing the 2020 Research Thing Prize Recipients

One of my joys as coordinator for the library’s annual research awards, now in its 14th year, is seeing the papers, posters, and web projects roll in as the deadline…

Interview with Student Alden Eckman
Getting to Know Student Alden Eckman

We asked Alden Eckman, Archives Student Worker and Trinity University Junior, a few questions to get to know her better and to tell us a little about her take on…

Valentine's day postcards - treasures from the Ziperman Collection
Valentine’s Day Postcards

Trinity bricks are red, Mountain laurel smells sweet, When it comes to Valentines, You can’t be beat! People began sending cards to their Valentines in the eighteenth century; these were…

Dear First Year Students - A Look Back at Fall 2020
Dear First Year Students (A Look Back at Fall 2020)

Dear First Year Students, Well, we miss you already. True, those who taught First Year Experience (FYE) are glad to be finished grading, just as you are undoubtedly glad to…

Ada Colbert - The Earliest Known Native Student at Trinity
Ada Colbert: The Earliest Known Native Student at Trinity

Here in Special Collections & Archives, we are often asked questions about Trinity “firsts”: who was the first woman to achieve tenure? Who was the first donor? What was the…

Interview with Sara Kate Phelps
Library Tips & Advice: Interview with Student Sara Kate Phelps

We had a chance to chat with Sara Kate Phelps, Trinity senior and library student worker. She shared advice about using the library, tips for preparing for midterms, and information…

The Mural Project - Interview with Student Peyton Tvrdy
The Mural Project: Interview with Student Peyton Tvrdy

We sat down with Peyton Tvrdy,  Mellon Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow for Summer 2020. With the help of Librarian Elizabeth Poff, Peyton researched, cataloged and created a digital gallery of…

Welcome Back Fall 2020
Welcome to All Our Students, New & Returning Tigers!

This academic semester, and perhaps year, will be an unprecedented experience for students, faculty, and staff alike. Some of you will be taking classes here in person, while others will…

Documenting Campus Closure and Remote Teaching
Documenting Campus Closure and Remote Teaching

Last semester the University Archives initiated a COVID-19 collecting project: Response and Impact: Perspectives from Trinity University on COVID-19. The purpose of this project is to document the effects the…

Student Art - Black Lives Matter: Riots
Learning from Student Art: “Black Lives Matter: Riots”

When I hear the word “riot,” a fairly standard definition comes to my mind for what that means. Maybe you’re similar? News media will show images of riots that are…