
Coates Library Blog

How do you become a librarian panel discussion
How Do You Become a Librarian?

There are many different paths individuals can take to become a librarian. Predominantly, librarians start with a background in the humanities (e.g. English, History), but there is no required field…

Documenting San Antonio's 1921 Flood
Documenting San Antonio’s 1921 Flood

When a historian sets out to tell the story of an event, they typically begin by looking at primary sources: newspapers, diaries, letters, photographs–any sort of item that records what…

Welcome Back to Coates Library, Fall 2021
Welcome Back for Fall 2021

Welcome back to our returning students and greetings to our first-years! The library is one of the main hubs of our campus, and we’re happiest when we see lots of…

Interview with Mellon Institute Students Zoe, Samantha, Ardi, and Hope
Interview with Mellon Institute’s Ardi, Hope, Samantha and Zoe

We asked the 2021 Mellon Institute students to sit down with us and tell us a little about themselves and their research process. Zoe Grout (Trinity ‘22), Samantha Henry (Trinity…

Archives Report Semester Update
Update from the Trinity Archives

Trinity Archives has been busy. Check out all that they have accomplished for Spring 2021! Loading…

Celebrating the retirements of the library faculty and staff
Celebrating Library Retirements

The library is celebrating the retirements of five amazing women, each of whom has worked in the library for over 30 years. We celebrate the past retirement of Meredith Elsik…

5 Reasons You Need Zotero
5 Reasons You Need Zotero

When you are working on an assignment do you ever wonder, “Gosh, isn’t there an easier way to do this?” Well, if you are asking that question about citing sources,…

East Asian Collection At Coates Library
East Asian Collection

“The most precious treasure is never fully known.” -Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli (1127 – 1206), “Bubbles On the Water” I certainly think this could be said about library collections….

Announcing The 2020 The Research Thing Prize Recipients
Announcing the 2020 Research Thing Prize Recipients

One of my joys as coordinator for the library’s annual research awards, now in its 14th year, is seeing the papers, posters, and web projects roll in as the deadline…

Interview with Student Alden Eckman
Getting to Know Student Alden Eckman

We asked Alden Eckman, Archives Student Worker and Trinity University Junior, a few questions to get to know her better and to tell us a little about her take on…